Ann Cahoon

Jewelry Making & Repair Dept. Head
Graduate JM ’02

What's the most important thing you've learned at NBSS?

Growth, improvement, and excellence are always possible. So is failure. Embrace the opportunities they offer.

What did you do before coming to NBSS?

I was a "craft" jeweler and metalsmith, and lifeguard and swim instructor before enrolling as a student. Bench jeweler and designer before joining the faculty.


What is your favorite NBSS experience?

Graduation. To see so much accomplishment—by students and instructors alike—all in one place and on one day is staggering and humbling. It's easy to forget how profound and intense the NBSS journey is when you're working hard with your head down in the middle of it, but impossible to ignore on graduation day.

What have been your favorite distractions in the past year?

Knitting, knitting, knitting!

Hometown: Worchester, MA


Peter Smith


Ada Schenck