Xiomara Garcia 

Carpentry ‘21

What's something about you that surprises people?

People are always surprised by how loud I can laugh, they tend to come from the pit of my belly.

Hometown: Hyde Park, MA

What's the most important thing you've learned at NBSS?

The most important concept that I have practiced at NBSS has been patience with self. I came to NBSS with a very small foundation of carpentry knowledge and through my nine months of learning I have developed a newfound sense of confidence. I trust my skills and ability to face a challenge and learn from it to better perform when faced with a new opportunity to test myself.

What is your favorite NBSS experience?

Some of my favorite moments at NBSS have happened off site working with timber framing, but the memory that will stick forever will be of a time where our class was learning to cope miter molding. I was such a hard time coping at an angle, but I was able to persevere through the support of my classmate, Amanda and Peter, our instructor.


What did you do before coming to NBSS?

Before enrolling in the fall of 2020, I was working with a local non profit called YouthBuild Boston. My time was spent recruiting youth that were interested in learning more about the building trades and seeing if it was a good career path for them. In turn, I realized that the trades were a good fit for me.


Kristen Odle


Sarah Rundle